Monday, December 15, 2008

Speedy Recovery

I've learned to accept my haircut and roll with it. It's really no big deal. Full recovery. People at work really like it and I get compliments a lot. Some older people that I've never met do walk past and give the weirdest looks though. I'm hoping not to pass a doctor any time soon. People already see the lip ring and hair and slightly avoid me. I have been trying to perfect the faux hawk also, and I can pull it off pretty well, if I do say so myself. Hair is hair. It'll grow.

I'm starting to work 40 hours again. Whoot! My next paycheck should be amazing, especially with direct incentive with it. The other great thing about Winter Break? Jeopardy. We play at home out loud, and I cleared a category today and got every one right. WHADDUP! Most were guessing, but I was right...and it pretty much goes without saying that I won. Ahhh sweet victory. One day I will meet Alex Trebek! ONE DAY!

So I wrote this thing on Facebook where you have to say 16 random things you've learned about yourself. I was very rpoud of it, and since I have nothing else to write about, I'll let you guys see it too. Enjoy.

1. I'm slowly learning to accept myself for who I am and what I can and can't do.

2. If there's something in life that you want, get it. There's no better time than now.

3. I am the most impatient person I know.

4. I'll always want to be a race car driver or actress.

5. I'm smarter when I don't give a damn.

6. I am truly a kid at heart.

7. I get insanely awkward around guys and tend to ramble or laugh really loud.

8. I believe in true love.

9. I hate politics with an undying passion, and I'd rather not be involved.

10. I am slowly building my own book collection, and want my own library when I get old.

11. I usually like to observe things rather than be involved.

12. I bite the left side of my lip when I'm thinking.

13. I want to write something profound one day.

14. I am a dork and nerd. Harry Potter and Lord of the Rings are some of my favs.

15. My blood pressure can be raised easily.

16. One day I'll look back and laugh...and it'll be ok.

1 comment:

Dr. Angelone said...

I love your list. I think I want to write something profound too and quit everything and have a giant house with an awesome office in the attic with floor to ceiling shelves for books and a little cubby near the window to sit and read and a big old desk to sit and write. Someone should pay us for this. I guess a blog is somewhere to start?