Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Spring Fever

I love college life.

During my time at St. Joseph's for Junior High, I was stuck inside all day for class and lunch, and we only got to go outside when Mrs. Miller was feeling nice. (Which was very rare.)

At McKinley, we barely got to go outside, except for crossing the parking lot for AP Calculus class at the end of the day. I loved doing that in the spring/summer time because we got to unwind a bit before finally sitting for another hour and a half.

But being in college is so much more amazing. During the spring/summer at Akron, there are people playing Frisbee outside, laying in the grass, studying on the steps, or just walking around leisurely. I love the fact that after I eat dinner, I can go sit in the grass with my friend and watch a squirrel run across the grass. I love watching someone on their bike stop, lay down on a bench, and just chill out under a tree. Everything is so much less stressful. Classes are scheduled to your liking and not shoved into an 8 hour day. There are no bells worry about when going between classes, and there are so many people to meet and get to know.

That's what people should look forward to when going to college. Sure, sororities and fraternities are great places to meet peers and party, but when there are so many small things to satisfy you, why do all those other things?

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Moving On Up!

As I was sitting in the Commuter's Lounge yesterday I was thinking about what my Communications adviser said about getting to know people in the Communications department by talking to them and even joining ZTV or WZIP (our school TV and radio station). Well, I had about 30-45 minutes before my next class, so I quickly made my way over to Kolbe Hall and up to the third floor. When I got there, I asked for an application to join in the fall, and this kind older man asked me to sit down on the couch and he began to explain to me what I was needed to do and how to do it to become part of these programs.

Mr. Beck (the nice elder) said that I was required to work 10 hours or more a week and that I had to take training classes Monday through Fridays during the semester. He also said that when/if I start (there's an application process similiar to a job), that I wouldn't be placed in one specific area, rather that I would have to dabble in everything to get general knowledge.
So, I asked if next Tuesday they had any time open, and so on the 21st I get to shadow people for a couple of hours! YAY! Mr. Beck said that I could see what a disc jockey does, or get to see how cameras work, or even watch a taping of something and sit in a meeting.

I love going out and working on my future. It is so easy and it makes me feel accomplished.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

On the Ball

You know you've still got it when you can memorize 23 Deaf Culture Rules in order and read a novel the day before the test. I amaze myself.

1. Before you start talking, make sure you have the attention of the deaf person.
2. To get their attention, you can : foot stomp, flicker lights, hand wave, or tap them.
3. Before you tap them, though, make sure they can see you.
4. If a deaf person is in the room, SIGN.
5. If a hearing person interrupts, explain the interruption.
6. If there is a loud noise or distraction, explain what it was.
7. ALWAYS make eye contact.
8. Never cover your lips or face with your hands.
9. Speak clearly and gesture naturally.
10. Don't eat, smoke, or chew gum while a deaf person is trying to lip read you.
11. Don't force unwanted help.
12. If they don't understand, rephrase.
13. If you don't understand, ask them to repeat.
14. Ask more than yes/no questions.
15. Never talk about a deaf person while they are in the room.
16. Interpreters sign everything they hear.
17. Interpreters never add anything.
18. Interpreters keep conversations confidential.
19. Talk to the deaf person, not the interpreter.
20. If 2 deaf people are signing and in your way, walk through them, don't stop and wait.
21. Deaf people like to be referred to as "Deaf".
22. Give a deaf person time to look at a book before you continue.
23. Be flexible. (There are more than one sign or some words...)

WHADDUP SON! Without looking and barely studying this morning.
Thank you, thank you.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Tech Nerd

It's friggin snowing. What in the hell, Ohio? I was just playing tennis with Megan, Tess, and Greg on Sunday down at the park! We sunbathed! SUNBATHED! That's my repeated and emphasized word impersonation of Josh Peck from Drake and Josh.

Oh, so I'm taking Voice Training next Semester for my Communications major.
And web design.
And Survey of Mass Communications.
And Media Production Techniques.
NBC here I come!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Old Switch-a-Roo

I did it. I switched my major! Done and done.

I felt really weird doing it, because I called around to so many people and left emails to a couple professors asking for advice and help and everything in between, but it is what it is. To get where I want, I needed help and I finally got it. I went to the Dean's Office at the College of Arts and Sciences and switched my major from Psychology to Communications, but I'm keeping Psychology as a minor. I can definitely use it if/when I get into television. I'll just study Consumer Psychology along with Social. Boom. I have my 5 year plan for school and work slightly outlined.

I think some guy was talking to me this morning as I was walking up the steps to the Student Union, but I assumed he was talking on the phone. I hear, "Hey GIRRL!" Ya, I usually don't respond to that. I am Erin, not GIRRL. Ask me my name, please, and I'll gladly tell you. But continue to say "Baby" or "Darling" and you'll get nothing from me. Good day.

I said good day!