Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Big Decisions

I change my mind more than someone with Dissociative Identity Disorder, I swear.

When Jackie and her family took me out to California in January of 2008, we stayed with relatives of theirs, the Niemi's. Kim, the mom, works as an Executive Vice President of Merchandise at NBC (I believe), and Joe, her husband, built the million dollar home we stayed in. Well, since I've recently had an epiphany of what I actually want to do, I decided to try an email Kim and get some advice. Thankfully, she responded quickly!

She told me that I should try and start at local stations and work as a page or intern, and then try and go to New York (like SNL) and try bigger broadcasting companies later. So, I think I want to switch to Communications, but still work with Psychology. I also contacted FOX 8 News in Cleveland to see if they could help me out, and I researched NBC page programs. I pretty much have to focus on getting a degree from a four year college, and then I can get out there and get contracted. She said that when she worked at Capitol Records and then even moving into NBC, that I have to be prepared for some hard work. All I can say is BRING IT ON. Kim also said that if I was thinking about Burbank, CA., that she would help put in a good word for me. (How can I say no, when someone who has dined with Jay Leno wants to help you out?!)

I think I know what I want to do in life.
Fingers crossed.

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