Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Old Switch-a-Roo

I did it. I switched my major! Done and done.

I felt really weird doing it, because I called around to so many people and left emails to a couple professors asking for advice and help and everything in between, but it is what it is. To get where I want, I needed help and I finally got it. I went to the Dean's Office at the College of Arts and Sciences and switched my major from Psychology to Communications, but I'm keeping Psychology as a minor. I can definitely use it if/when I get into television. I'll just study Consumer Psychology along with Social. Boom. I have my 5 year plan for school and work slightly outlined.

I think some guy was talking to me this morning as I was walking up the steps to the Student Union, but I assumed he was talking on the phone. I hear, "Hey GIRRL!" Ya, I usually don't respond to that. I am Erin, not GIRRL. Ask me my name, please, and I'll gladly tell you. But continue to say "Baby" or "Darling" and you'll get nothing from me. Good day.

I said good day!

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