Thursday, April 9, 2009

On the Ball

You know you've still got it when you can memorize 23 Deaf Culture Rules in order and read a novel the day before the test. I amaze myself.

1. Before you start talking, make sure you have the attention of the deaf person.
2. To get their attention, you can : foot stomp, flicker lights, hand wave, or tap them.
3. Before you tap them, though, make sure they can see you.
4. If a deaf person is in the room, SIGN.
5. If a hearing person interrupts, explain the interruption.
6. If there is a loud noise or distraction, explain what it was.
7. ALWAYS make eye contact.
8. Never cover your lips or face with your hands.
9. Speak clearly and gesture naturally.
10. Don't eat, smoke, or chew gum while a deaf person is trying to lip read you.
11. Don't force unwanted help.
12. If they don't understand, rephrase.
13. If you don't understand, ask them to repeat.
14. Ask more than yes/no questions.
15. Never talk about a deaf person while they are in the room.
16. Interpreters sign everything they hear.
17. Interpreters never add anything.
18. Interpreters keep conversations confidential.
19. Talk to the deaf person, not the interpreter.
20. If 2 deaf people are signing and in your way, walk through them, don't stop and wait.
21. Deaf people like to be referred to as "Deaf".
22. Give a deaf person time to look at a book before you continue.
23. Be flexible. (There are more than one sign or some words...)

WHADDUP SON! Without looking and barely studying this morning.
Thank you, thank you.

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