Saturday, January 10, 2009

All Work And No Play...

...makes Erin want to rip her brains out.
My Aunt Chris is having surgery on her foot again, and she asked Megan to feed and look after her two gigantic digs, Sadie and Jasmine (aka Jazzy J). Well, last night I was "asked" to join Megan so she wouldn't be alone over the weekend at Aunt Chris', and just in case something happened when driving in the snow. We got here last night and put in the first Lord of the Rings Extended, which I fell asleep to part way in. Last thing I saw was the Hobbits joining the fellowship, and then all of a sudden I'm aware that Gandalf fell off a bridge and everyone's crying. (We shut it off then.) After a long night of tossing and turning and staring at the clock as it turned 330 and then 515, I decided to get up at 7.
Once Megan came down, we plugged in the special features of the other Lord of the Rings and now I know how the details of every prop WETA Workshop made was important and why. After that we decided to watch Penn and Teller's show "Bullshit", which I have gained a fond liking of. (One episode featured a guy that talked about veganism, and recognized him because he came into my ethics class last semester and did his whole schpeal. I totally wish I could have called him out.) Now Mean's watching one about dying, etc, and Mary Roach, the author of Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers was in it. (I LOVE her books. I once sent her publicist an email about how I enjoyed her books and that I was using one in a presentation, and I got an email back from Mary herself. I freaked.)
So back to my title. It snowed pretty bad last night, and Megan is staying here another night instead of driving through all that crap, which mans I'm staying here another night. It's not that I don't care for Megan or Aunt Chris or Sadie or Jazzy J, it's that I planned on doing stuff at home over the weekend. I wanted to take my lip ring out, let it heal, get stuff together for school starting next week, and I worked 40 hours, so I REALLY wanted to relax. It's frustrating.
Next week is school. Yay. But that mans less work. Horray.

1 comment:

bigbenrichards said...

The Hard work will pay off!