Thursday, February 26, 2009

Can O' Whoop Ass

I love Self-Defense.

The other day we were finally learning how to catch people off balance in throw them on the ground. Well, after everyone paired off with someone their size (as ordered by the teacher), I was left alone. It's all good though, because there's this UFC/Jujitsu type guy that comes in and helps out named Ace. (Ha, ya I know.) Well he ended up being my partner! So I had to block his punch, elbow him in the neck, take his chin and push while pulling on his arm and swiping his leg out from under him. Difficult, but not too bad. (I actually did elbow him in the chin by accident! I felt so bad...) I couldn't get it at first until he told me what I was doing wrong. I kept trying to sweep towards his ankle when I needed to get behind his knee! DUH! So I finally ended up getting him on the ground and since I got that, HE TAUGHT ME AN ARM BAR! It was akward to do, but cool now that I know it! He was absolutely adorable too, especially when he told us about his girlfriend. Apparently she's a swimmer, and she kicks in her sleep, and since he's so used to fighting, he unconsciously puts her in holds in his sleep. I was dying!

It's Lent...and I'm working on it.

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